
.... best practice of TQM ....

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Your purchase respective usage of contents from our TQM Shop implies that you have read and accepted these business terms.

1. Grant of License and Right of Ownership

The purchase of a product from our TQM Shop grants a non exclusive and non transferable eternal right to use the process templates and tools provided by our TQM Shop. The right of ownership for the process templates and tools purchased by you stays with Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting.

2. Limited Usage

All process templates and tools may be used solely for company internal purposes. The usage of the process templates for the purpose of consulting, trainings or management coaching is explicitly prohibited. 

3. Changes and Adaptions

You are authorized to modify the process templates and tools according to your needs. The inclusion of logos, further processing and adaption of the tools for company internal purposes is explicitly allowed.

4. Prohibition of Proliferation

No process templates and tools, in original or modified, may be offered, distributed or sold without prior written permission of Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting, neither via data volumes, websites nor any other medium. You may not transfer your right to use for any content from Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting to anybody without written permission of Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting.

5. Restoration

All our TQM templates come with a 60 day money back guarantee.  All prices are net, means VAT will be added during purchasing process as applicable according to local legislation.

6. Holder of Rights

Owner of this TQM Shop is Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting, Hauptplatz 34/8A, A-2070 Retz.

7. Liability

Our products are provided "as seen", without liability of any kind, neither explicit nor implicit.


Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting shall not in any case be liable whether in contract, tort, by reason of negligence or otherwise for any indirect, special or consequential damages, howsoever arising (including but not limited to loss of revenue or loss of anticipated profits) in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, functioning or use of the products or any item of service provided and shall not be liable for any other damages except as expressly provided in these Business Terms.

8. Reference

After the completion of the transaction Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting is entitled to state the name of the customer on its web page.

9. Place of Jurisdiction

Place of jurisdiction is Vienna, Austria. Austrian law is applicable.

 About us Consulting Services Solutions
 Organization Service Concept Overview
 Management Performance Management ITSM Process Library
 Partner Process Management 3.0 QM Process Library
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 © 2006 - 2025 Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting Last update 01.01.2025