QM Process Library

In your QM-project you want
best practice from the very beginning
80% time and cost savings in defining the ITSM processes (according to customer feedback)
a process model tailored to the needs of the enterprise (avoiding the "reinvention of the wheel" - nevertheless it is not the idea in behind to implement uncritically all provided ITSM processes in your company)
integrable into each enterprise process model
reduction of consulting spending
quick wins in a mission critical project
For you we havepacked together our more than 25 years of project experience in Quality Management and a great deal of entrepreneurial knowledge and defined the cornerstones of a process-oriented standard solution: |
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Standardize everything that is prescribed by a standard (ISO 9001)
In addition, standardize processes that are based on best practices and successful experiences to the extent that they are widely universally applicable
Detailed only to the extent that the general usability is ensured and the processes are complete
Provide complementary tools such as checklists, templates, suggestions for KPIs, and detailed role descriptions to support implementation
Our satisfied customers have confirmed the correctness of this approach many times:
"We didn't have to reinvent the wheel, but could concentrate on our specific requirements - that saved us about 80% of time and money in defining the processes"
Successful international users of our QM best practice processes:
Register free of cost and test the QM Process Library without obligation |
Versions of the QM Process Library
Three versions are available:
one language (German or English) for the SAP Signavio Process Manager
multilingual (German and English, language changeable online) for the SAP Signavio Process Manager
one language (German or English) for Software AG - ARIS
multilingual (German and English, language changeable online) for Software AG - ARIS
one language (German or English) as BPMN 2.0 XML-export for BPMN 2.0 compatible systems
multilanguage (German and English) as BPMN 2.0 XML-export for BPMN 2.0 compatible systems
In the English version we support british and american English in Signavio alternatively, in ARIS we support American English.
Contact us for a non-binding online demo and let us show you what the QM process library can do for you!
Features of the QM Process Library
50 linked process graphs from all ISO 9001 disciplines
17 interface diagrams for the ISO 9001 disciplines
5 process landscapes for the ISO 9001 process groups
role descriptions
checklists and templates to important topics of ISO 9001 linked to the respective process steps
RACI matrix for the responsibilities
All content of the QM Process Library at one glance
Additional service free of charge
With immediate effect all new customers of our QM Process Library will have an everlasting access to our rapidly growing QM document archive. It contains:
all QM checklists
all templates
all key performance indicators
all other accompanying documents of the QM Process Library.
We provide ongoing new QM documents in this archive and want to ensure that all our customers always get all new QM documents even in case they have not been included in the QM Process Library at the moment of purchase.
Look and Feel (SAP Signavio Process Manager)
Please use the zoom slider to see the details
Overview of the ISO 9001 Improvement Processes
Please use the zoom slider to see the details
ISO 9001 Process Model - PDCA Cycle
Please use the zoom slider to see the details
ISO 9001 Process Model - Audit Planning (Detail Process)
Look and Feel (ARIS)
Overview of the ISO 9001 Improvement Processes
ISO 9001 Process Model - PDCA Cycle
ISO 9001 Process Model - Audit Planning (Detail Process)
Price information (all prices excl. VAT, without Signavio respective ARIS licenses)
Installment payment 24 months besides standard investment available via the ITSM Shop!
QM Process Library German or English for SAP Signavio Process Manager
€ 1.490.-
In case of direct purchase via our ITSM Shop € 1.290.-or lease purchase with 24 installments á € 53,75
Look up in TQM Shop
QM Process Library multilingual (German and English) for SAP Signavio Process Manager
€ 2.490.-
In case of direct purchase via our ITSM Shop € 2.190.- or lease purchase with 24 installments á € 91,25
QM Process Library German or English for
Software AG - ARIS |
€ 1.490.- |
Available online shortly
P lease contact us via sales(at)walter-abel.at€ 1.490.-, no lease purchase
QM Process Library multilingual (German and English) for
Software AG - ARIS |
€ 2.490.- |
Available online shortly
Please contact us via sales(at)walter-abel.at € 2.490.- no lease purchase
QM Process Library German or English for BPMN 2.0 XML compatible systems
€ 1.490.-
In case of direct purchase via our ITSM Shop € 1.290.-or lease purchase with 24 installments á € 53,75
Look up in TQM Shop
QM Process Library in two languages (German and English) for BPMN 2.0 XML compatible systems
€ 2.490.-
In case of direct purchase via our ITSM Shop € 2.190.- or lease purchase with 24 installments á € 91,25
Consulting Services
Service Concept
Performance Management
ITSM Process Library
Management 3.0
QM Process Library
IT Service Management
Signavio Process Manager
Social Engagement
Software AG ARIS
Holistic Project Support
Academic Initiative
Affiliate Program
Imprint & Data
TQM Shop
+43 (664) 3088983
© 2006 -
2025 Dipl.-Ing. Walter
Abel Management Consulting